Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."
Wednesday, 8 December 2021
SWIM - Smart, Wise, Intelligent, Mature?
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."
Friday, 8 October 2021
Wafer-Thin Snacks
And, it is just the beginning!"
Monday, 30 August 2021
A Penny For Your Thought!
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
Think Your Way Out
If it is black, she would marry him, and he would write off the debt. If it is white, he would give up both. The lender stipulated that he would pick up the pebbles, while she could make the final choice. On the agreed day, at the riverbank, the lender collected two pebbles, deftly both black dropping them into the bag in a trice. The trader's daughter who saw this vowed herself: ''I will not let him cheat me.'' And she did not.
“The mind can only see
what it is prepared to see.”- Edward de Bono
Thursday, 3 June 2021
The Wait For Good Days
“When you come to the
end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Saturday, 10 April 2021
Spilling The Beans
“A kitchen is the
shrine, a cook the priest, the table an altar, and belly the god!”- Charles Buck
Friday, 19 March 2021
Whatever Will Be, Will Be...
- If anything can go wrong, it will, at the worst possible time, causing maximum damage.
- If everything seems to be going well, something has obviously been overlooked.
- It is impossible to make anything foolproof, because fools are ingenious.
- If there is a wrong way to do something, then someone will do it.
- When in a queue, you will find the other line moving faster.
Two simple phrases - “Whatever will be, will be”, and “If anything can go wrong, it will." One makes us think about the major phases in life, the other hints at how unpredictable they are. One cautions us against pinning our expectations high; the other suggests:
“Failure is only a
detour, not a dead-end street.”- Zig Ziglar
Friday, 12 February 2021
A Day In A Double Fast
“Elders who wonder
where the younger generation is going should remember where it came
Friday, 22 January 2021
Man Proposes, God Disposes
We all started our journey of life on a tiny boat of hopes, not knowing where we are bound. Caught in the winds and tides, and threatening to capsize at times, the boat kept sailing, at least until now..., and hopefully for some more time!
Without hopes, life has no desire, direction or drive. No wonder, we find idioms like 'sky’s the limit', 'chase our dreams', 'hit the jackpot' etc. so luring. They elevate our hopes into expectations. That most of them are unrealistic or unachievable, seldom cross our minds.
To hope is not a crime; but expecting every single hope to materialise, is. Not convinced? Look at relationships. We enter into them and nurture them with hopes. But somewhere along the way, these hopes turn into expectations, expectations into demands, and demands into entitlements. Naturally, when things don't happen as expected, we get upset, angry and hurt.
“Tone down your expectations”, the wise would advise, “to avoid disappointments”. I haven't succeeded. For me, every single hope has had an extension. Yet, disappointing experiences one after the other, have given me the disposition to stay calm. Whoever coined the saying: “Man proposes, God disposes”, needs to introspect. Why blame God, for one's own weakness?
Catherine Pulsifer author of 'Inspirational Words of Wisdom' said once, “If you put in little effort and expect big returns, you will be disappointed”. She went on to add:
“You don't get apples by planting lemon seeds."

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