Scrolling Notification

When I get time, I listen to music, or read books. If any is left, I blog!

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Bite Off More Than You Can Chew!

'Half of what I spend on advertising is a waste. The trouble is I don't know which half,' said John Wanamaker.

The crux isn't in tracing the 'better-half', but tolerating its surreptitious intent that occasionally tends to deride our sense and sensibility.  Upholding freedom of creativity and advocating its unrestrained expression are indeed admirable. The question that ought to bother us however, is the turpitude of expression used to bridge creative deficit.

If you have any doubt, check out the TV ad promoting an international brand of chocolate.

You will see here a father and daughter, out of breath from jogging, slipping on to a wayside bench. The daughter takes out a chocolate bar and asks, 'Pops... Want some?' Chuckling at how kiddish she still is, the unsuspecting father takes a bite, and lo, he is all perked up to go for two more rounds! Concerned, the daughter queries, 'Two more rounds?' She then hastens to say, 'Sure.' As soon the father takes to the track, the daughter turns around to beckon her boyfriend, waiting just a whistle away, behind the hedges.

The implied suggestion is clear:  Hoodwink your father, to flirt with your boy friend!  Whenever I see this ad, I feel uncomfortable; so could many among you. Perhaps, the quote below sums up the reason better.

"Never write an ad, which you wouldn't want your family to read.
You wouldn't tell lies to your own wife. Don't tell them to mine."
-  David Ogilvy


  1. Like all other things in life 'Morality' also has shelf life!
    Mr. Ogilvy & his ilk have always titillated the viewers with their crafts and sure, their families also got enough tastes of their spicy recipes before serving to others.


    Partha Deb

  2. Neena V9:03 pm

    The people behind this ad are not realizing or perhaps are ignoring the damage they are inflicting on the young and innocent minds. I wish creativity does not become the sacrificial goat at the hands of a few.

  3. Manas Chakraborty8:32 am

    There are many ads which make us uncomfortable. The reasons behind such copy-writing are:
    (1) Eagerness to impress
    (2) Lack of originality
    (3) Inability to gauge social impact
    (4) Blissful Childishness
    Let us hope responses like these will help them grow up.
