Saturday, 21 May 2011

Outright Uncouth

          Creativity  may have its limitations, but stupidity has no such handicaps!  An ad film appearing on TV of late, supports this theory.
          The film, which promotes PVC pipes, has a Rajinikanth clone as its central character.  He is clad in a dhoti folded inches above his knees.  As he walks to the crease, waving a 2 foot long pipe, the spectators shout for ‘water’ (not sixes)!  He signals them to be patient, and then challenges the line of bowlers, ‘Cumm on you fast bowwller rrascals ttogether...’.   And together they bowl ten balls, all of which he sends over the boundary in just two sweeps!  Water spurts from the ground where the balls fall.  Doing a victory dance, he shouts, ‘Thizz ezz the llleader’s style to bringg a mirrracle. Let me rrremind itt’.  
          You will find no sense or fun in it, except a dig at the south Indian attire, complexion, and diction!  Do you call this creativity?

1 comment:

Banda Azad said...

I'm ashamed to admit it, but you're right; apart from your stated reasons, there is nothing creative or funny in that ad.

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